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Analyze trends and performance

The "How GitGuardian protects you" panel of your Analytics section illustrates how GitGuardian has been able to help your team with secrets detection, whether through the dashboard or a shift-left approach.

The default time range is Last month. You can change the time range in the top right-hand corner of the page. For stat metrics, GitGuardian compares the metric with the previous period (computed to have the same number of days).

Dashboard protection

Secrets detectors: total number of secrets detectors used from the GitGuardian secrets detection engine. You can even see how many new secrets detectors were added by our dedicated R&D team during the selected time period. The entire list is accessible in your settings or in the secrets detection section of our documentation.

Historical protection

All time historical scans: total number of historical scans performed by GitGuardian. You can also see how many historical scans were triggered during the period.

All time percentage of historical scans detecting secrets: "all time" percentage of historical scans that uncovered a secret incident. This metric counts incidents that are already open or brand new (already resolved or ignored secret incidents are no longer taken into account during the historical scan). You can even see this same percentage but only for historical scans performed during the selected time period.

GitGuardian dashboard protection

Real-time protection

Commits scanned: number of commits scanned on server side (post-receive hook stage) through your native VCS integrations (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).

Evolution of commits scanned over time: distribution of commits scanned on server side (post-receive hook stage) through your native VCS integrations over time. It shows your developers' activity monitored by GitGuardian.

Secret occurrences detected per 1000 commits: ratio of secret occurrences found per commits analyzed. Note that a commit can contains more than 1 secret occurrence.

Shift left protection

GitGuardian CLI (Command Line Interface) application ggshield allows you to deploy GitGuardian's secret detection engine in a shift-left approach.

ggshield scans: number of ggshield scans through git hooks or CI/CD integrations.

Secret detected by ggshield scan: number of secrets detected with ggshield scans. If the secret was detected with a ggshield scan at git hooks level (pre-commit, pre-push, pre-receive), it is a secret prevented from reaching the VCS and therefore, one less incident!

Evolution of ggshield scans over time: distribution of ggshield scans over time per ggshield mode (CI/CD integrations, git hooks). For each mode, you will find the number of ggshield scans over the period and the percentage of those scans that detected secrets.

GitGuardian shift left protection

Note that in the Analytics section, we only consider secret incidents, not policy break incidents.

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