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A pre-push hook is a client-side git hook that runs right before a reference is pushed to a remote (git push). Please refer to our learning center for more information.

GitGuardian pre-push hook is performed through our CLI application: ggshield. ggshield is a wrapper around the GitGuardian API for secrets detection that requires an API key to work.


pre-push preview


Customize the remediation message and add your own to offer developers precise guidance for resolving their code issues and continuing their work.

Read more here - GitGuardian CLI custom remediation message


The pre-commit framework

In order to use GitGuardian CLI with the pre-commit framework, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Make sure you have the pre-commit framework installed:
$ pip install pre-commit
  1. Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file in your repository's root path:
- repo:
rev: v1.36.0
- id: ggshield-push
language_version: python3
stages: [pre-push]
  1. Then install the hook with the command:
$ pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-push

Now you're good to go!

To avoid long delays, by default the pre-push hook will not scan pushes with more than 50 commits. This setting can be configured using the max-commits-for-hook key in ggshield configuration file.

Global pre-push hook

To install pre-push globally (for all current and future repos):

  1. Sign in to your GitGuardian workspace and create a Personal Access Token from your personal settings.
  2. Add this Personal Access Token (API key) to the GITGUARDIAN_API_KEY environment variable of your development environment.
  3. Execute the following command:
$ ggshield install --mode global -t pre-push

It will:

  • verify that if a global hook folder is defined in the global git configuration.
  • create the ~/.git/hooks folder (if needed).
  • create a pre-push file which will be executed before every commit.
  • give executable access to this file.

Local pre-push hook

You can install the hook locally on desired repositories:

  1. Sign in to your GitGuardian workspace and create a Personal Access Token from your personal settings.
  2. Add this Personal Access Token (API key) to the GITGUARDIAN_API_KEY environment variable in your repository.
  3. Go in the repository and execute the following command:
$ ggshield install --mode local -t pre-push


  • If a pre-push executable file already exists, it will not be overridden. You can force override with the --force option:
$ ggshield install --mode local  -t pre-push --force