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Authentication Tuple



The Authentication Tuple detector aims at catching any pair of username and password that is part of a tuple assignment in code . This type of assignment is most commonly found in Python code and looks like: auth = ("username", "password").


The two components of the couple that the detector catches are referred to as username and password. With this detector, each element must follow a specific set of rules to be considered as sensitive, and therefore valid.

For both matches:

  • Must be part of a tuple assignment, namely of the form {assigned_variable} {assignment_token} ("{username}", "{password}"), where {assigned_variable} must contain auth or login.
  • Both matches should not be equal.


  • The username must not be part of a custom banlist maintained by GitGuardian containing very common irrelevant values for usernames.


  • The password must not be part of a custom banlist maintained by GitGuardian containing very common irrelevant values for passwords.
  • The password must have a minimum Shanon entropy of 2, reflecting a minimum level of complexity.

Revoke the secret

This detector catches generic credentials, therefore GitGuardian cannot infer the concerned service. To properly revoke the credentials:

  1. Find out what service is impacted.
  2. Refer to the corresponding documentation to know how to revoke and rotate the credentials.


Examples that WILL be caught

- text: |
auth_tuple = ("totolao", "mY_s3cr3t_p@ssw0rd")
username: totolao
password: mY_s3cr3t_p@ssw0rd

- text: |
login = ("totolao", "mY_s3cr3t_p@ssw0rd")
username: totolao
password: mY_s3cr3t_p@ssw0rd

- text: |
login = ("totolao", "sHrT")
username: totolao
password: sHrT

- text: |
auth=("bsaruceobkoraebisroaecbu89", "p@ssw0rd")
username: bsaruceobkoraebisroaecbu89
password: p@ssw0rd

Details for Username password

  • High Recall: False

  • Validity Check: False

  • Minimum Number of Matches: 2

  • Occurrences found for one million commits: 20

  • Prefixed: False

  • PreValidators:

- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- auth
- login
- type: ValueSimilarityPostValidator
max_similarity: 1.0
similarity: difflib
- type: CommonValueBanlistPostValidator
- type: HeuristicPostValidator
- heuristic_path
- type: MatchesPostValidator
names: ['username']
- type: CommonUsernameBanlistPostValidator
- type: ValueBanlistPostValidator
- 'wronguser'
- 'repo\.json'
- 'first_name'
- 'user_name'
- 'utf-8'
- 'Content-Type'
- 'django\.contrib'
- 'success'
- 'authentication\.'
- 'examplepub'
- type: MatchesPostValidator
names: ['password']
- type: CommonPasswordBanlistPostValidator
- type: EntropyPostValidator
entropy: 2
- type: ValueBanlistPostValidator
- 'wrongpass'
- 'django\.contrib'
- 'email'
- 'description'
- 'application\/json'
- 'authentication\.'