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Cluster management (legacy)


You are now on a GitGuardian legacy architecture page.

Looking for the GitGuardian new architecture Cluster management page? Please visit the Cluster management page.

For information on the new architecture, as well as determining whether you are using the new or the legacy GitGuardian architecture, explore the New GitGuardian Architecture page.


An overview of your cluster is available under the "Cluster Management" tab in the Admin Console.

Cluster Overview

Some key pieces of information:

  • Nodes in the cluster.
  • CPU, RAM, and disk availability on each node.

Nodes don't need to be of the same size.

Here, you can also find instructions to add a new node. You can also drain nodes.

Adding worker nodes

If you want more processing power, you can scale your instance vertically by using a more powerful machine. But it is not always practical because it needs to be done before the installation, and it also means a big machine will always be running.

Usually, a better solution is to scale horizontally by adding worker nodes to the cluster. This solution is more flexible and allows to add and remove processing capabilities when needed. A common use case is the initial historical scan. If you have a lot of repositories, adding more CPUs can speed up this process a lot.

Note: This procedure does not bring high availability, we are only adding worker nodes, not master.

Here are the steps to add a worker node:

  1. Go to the KOTS Admin Console. Go to the "Cluster Management" tab. Click on "Add node". It will show you a command to a node. This command is valid only for 24 hours.

Add Node Command

You can also generate this command through the CLI and the master node:

curl -sSL | sudo bash -s join_token

You should have this kind of output:

Node join commands expire after 24 hours.

To generate new node join commands, run curl -sSL | sudo bash -s join_token on this node.

To add worker nodes to this installation, run the following script on your other nodes:
curl -sSL | sudo bash -s kubernetes-master-address=<master-address>:6443 kubeadm-token=<token> kubeadm-token-ca-hash=sha256:<token-ca-hash> kubernetes-version=x.x.x docker-registry-ip=x.x.x.x

  1. Connect with SSH to your other node and run your command.

Add Node End Screen

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