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Choose your installation method

Before installing the application, you'll have to choose between three installation types:

  • Embedded Cluster,
  • Existing Cluster using KOTS,
  • Existing Cluster using Helm.

This guide will explain the differences between these methods and help you decide which is the best for your needs.

What is an embedded cluster installation

The Embedded Installation is an "all in one" installation, where the Kubernetes cluster is created on your machine and all components needed for the application are installed.

Embedded Installation Schema

You can find more details about Embedded Cluster Installation in the Replicated documentation.

What is an existing cluster installation

You can install the application on an existing Kubernetes cluster that already contains nodes. You have to check that this cluster meets the system and network requirements.

Existing Installation Schema

You can find more details about Existing Cluster Installation in the Replicated documentation


If you plan to install GitGuardian on an OpenShift cluster, please refer to the detailed guidelines for OpenShift cluster installation.

On existing clusters, you can choose between two installation methods:

Existing cluster installation using KOTS

With this installation method, you'll use the Web KOTS Admin Console provided by Replicated. This interface will allow you to configure, deploy, backup and troubleshoot your application without writing code.

This installation is also referred as KOTS-based installation.

Existing cluster installation using Helm

Helm is a package management tool for Kubernetes clusters. It allows fine-tuning the configuration through a YAML file that can be versioned in a Git Repository. It also integrates well with CD tools like Argo CD.

This installation is also referred as Helm-based installation.

How to choose between these options

Before installing the application, you'll have to reply to some considerations:

  • do you possess the necessary resources and expertise to manage your Kubernetes cluster?
  • do you have security policies in place in your Kubernetes cluster?
  • do you have the expertise and resources to handle your own databasess?
  • do you lean towards a user-friendly web UI or prefer configuring as code?
  • will you require fine-tuning of the application?

If you already have a Kubernetes cluster, that is running different applications, with precise management and security policies and a dedicated maintainer in your teams, you should use the existing cluster installation using KOTS or the existing cluster installation using Helm. Please, note you will also need access to a Postgres and Redis databases.

While KOTS Admin Console is well suited where you won't need to fine-tune the application, Helm installation will offer more configuration options and will be more easily integrated into automation pipelines. Choosing between these 2 installation methods also depends on your processes and resources. Web UI doesn't require specific knowledge as Helm does.

If you don't have resources dedicated to the maintenance of a Kubernetes cluster and databases, prefer the embedded installation. However, please note that embedded installations are not recommended for production use and are better suited for trial or Proof of Concept (PoC) purposes.

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#e1edff', 'primaryTextColor': '#3654b8', 'primaryBorderColor': '#081736', 'lineColor': '#081736', 'secondaryColor': '#fff', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% graph TB A(Choosing GitGuardian Installation Method) A --> C(Production Deployment 🏭) A --> B("Trial/PoC Deployment 🧪") ---> F C -->|Have a Kubernetes Cluster?| G C --->|No Kubernetes Cluster?| F("Choose Embedded Cluster Installation <u>External</u> or <u>Embedded</u> PostgreSQL & Redis <a href='./databases/database-config' target='_blank'>databases</a>") G("Choose Existing Cluster Installation <u>External</u> PostgreSQL & Redis <a href='./databases/database-config' target='_blank'>databases</a>") G -->|🖼️ Prefer Graphical User Interface?| J(Choose KOTS Admin Console) G -->|📜 Prefer Infrastructure as Code?| K(Choose Helm Installation) J --> L(Follow <a href='./installation-existing-cluster' target='_blank'>Existing Cluster Installation using KOTS</a>. Less Technical Knowledge Required.) K --> M(Follow <a href='./installation-existing-helm' target='_blank'>Existing Cluster Installation using Helm</a>. More Technical Knowledge Required.) F ---> |⚠️ Recommended to <a href='/self-hosting/management/infrastructure-management/high-availability' target='_blank'>setup HA</a> for Production use Small-scale limitation.|N("Follow <a href='./installation-embedded-cluster' target='_blank'>Embedded Cluster Installation using KOTS</a>. Less Technical Knowledge Required.") L --> O("<b>Gather the following information before starting the installation:</b> Do you have an HTTP proxy configuration? Do you use a custom Certificate Authority (CA)? You will need a TLS certificate details. Will you use a Load Balancer? Are you using Prometheus? Do you have any scaling requirements? Version Control System (VCS) integration details.") M --> O N --> O style L fill:#ffffff,color:#081736 style M fill:#ffffff,color:#081736 style N fill:#ffffff,color:#081736

Using external databases

For both solutions, you can use databases external from your Kubernetes cluster. The database preparation section will help you correctly configure them for your environment.


If you are using external databases, remember to open ports between the GitGuardian application cluster and your databases.

For an embedded cluster

Embedded Installation Schema with an external database

For an existing cluster

Existing Installation Schema with an external database

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