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System requirements

The self-hosted version of GitGuardian is a Kubernetes application.

Hardware requirements


GitGuardian Platform self-hosted is only compatible with AMD64 architecture.

Embedded Kubernetes cluster installation

ComponentRequired Capacity
CPU8 cores
Memory32 GB
Root disk space300 GB

This installation have some limitations:

  • Multi-node support is in beta
  • Changing node hostnames is not supported
  • Automatic updates not supported
  • Support bundles over 100MB in the Admin Console
  • Installing on STIG- and CIS-hardened OS images is not supported

More details on Replicated.

Existing Kubernetes cluster installation

For sizing recommendations, refer to our Scaling GitGuardian page.

Software requirements

Operating System

For Embedded Kubernetes cluster installations, please note that these setups are intended primarily for trial or Proof of Concept (PoC) purposes and are not recommended for production use.

Ensure that you adhere to the Replicated and Embedded Cluster system requirements.


We strongly recommend applying the latest patches available for your operating system distribution before beginning the installation.


GitGuardian currently supports PostgreSQL 13 to 16.


PostgreSQL versions 13 and 14 will not be supported after January 2025. We strongly recommend upgrading to PostgreSQL 16 at your earliest convenience.

You'll need to install the following extensions to improve your text search performances:

ExtensionUsageMinimal Version
btree_ginProvides GIN capability to base datatypes (int, timestamp, ...) so all columns can be used in GIN indexes1.3
pg_trgmProvides functions and operators enabling fast searching for similar strings using GiST and GIN indexes1.5
plpgsqlAllows the creation of stored procedures and triggers using the procedural programming language PL/pgSQL1.0

Depending on your installation, extensions may already be installed. To install these extensions, you must run the following commands while connected as a superuser on the database instance:


For additional guidance on databases, see Configure your database.

For sizing recommendations, refer to our Scaling GitGuardian page.

High Availability and Databases

For large-scale deployments, we recommend using an external PostgreSQL database and leveraging your provider's replication mechanisms for high availability.

Connection Poolers

We recommend avoiding connection poolers (such as PgBouncer) with GitGuardian, as they may cause unexpected behavior or impact performance. Direct connections to PostgreSQL are recommended.


GitGuardian currently supports Redis 6 and 7, with Redis 7 being the recommended version.

For large-scale deployment, we highly recommend using an external Redis. For sizing recommendations, refer to our Scaling GitGuardian page.

For High Availability, we support Redis Sentinel for Existing cluster.


Be aware that if Redis has an eviction policy set (such as noeviction, allkeys-lru, etc.), and the policy is set to noeviction, Redis will not evict any data. This can cause new writes to fail when the memory limit is reached, so choose your eviction policy carefully.

Kubernetes for Existing Clusters

For Existing Cluster installations, GitGuardian supports the following Kubernetes versions: 1.25 to 1.30 (we recommend upgrading to 1.30). Version 1.31 is under experimental support.

GitGuardian needs a dedicated namespace.


If you plan to install GitGuardian on an OpenShift cluster, please refer to the detailed guidelines for OpenShift cluster installation.


The "Existing cluster with KOTS" installation method is using KOTS. We use the latest KOTS version available to validate our releases. You can find version compatibility on the KOTS compatibility page.

The KOTS Admin Console will have full control over this namespace. The following role needs to be created:

Name:         kotsadm-role
Annotations: <none>
Resources Non-Resource URLs Resource Names Verbs
--------- ----------------- -------------- -----
*.* [] [] [*]

We are using the following objects:

  • PersistentVolumeClaims: we are using persistent volume claims for KOTS, workers and the embedded databases.
  • IngressController: we can provide a default ingress, an Ingress Controller is needed to handle it.

You need to have the appropriate controllers and operators to handle them.


The Existing Cluster with Helm installation method requires Helm 3 and above.

Use a Helm version that aligns with your Kubernetes version to avoid compatibility issues. Refer to the Helm version support policy for the list of compatible versions.

Helm installation also supports some optional custom resources. If you wish to use them, you must have the appropriate controllers and operators:

  • IngressController: we provide an example of an ingress controller. You can also configure any other Ingress Controller class. Read our Ingress Configuration topic.
  • Istio: we support Istio for traffic routing and end-to-end encryption (sidecars).
  • Prometheus Operator: we can deploy ServiceMonitors to expose observability metrics on our application.
  • Vault: we allow the use of Vault through external-secrets SecretStore.
  • CertManager: we allow certificate management through cert-manager ClusterIssuer.

Domain Name requirements

You will need a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to install the application (ex: gitguardian.mycorp.local). This cannot be an IP. You will also need a TLS certificate for HTTPS access or use the default self-signed certificates.