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Access to the Admin Area

This section serves as a comprehensive dashboard for administrators, providing essential tools and insights for managing your GitGuardian Self-Hosted instance. It enables effective monitoring of system health, user role management, and configuration of instance settings.

Health Check

A page dedicated to monitoring the overall health and performance of your GitGuardian instance. This ensures that all systems are functioning correctly and efficiently, highlighting potential issues before they impact your workflow.


Provides a comprehensive list of all users within your GitGuardian instance. It allows for detailed user management, including adding new users, adjusting roles, and monitoring user activity.

Easily manage user roles within your GitGuardian instance. You have the ability to:

  • Force a Password Reset: Ensure security by forcing a password reset for any user.
  • Promote a User to Admin: Grant admin privileges to users, giving them access to the admin area.
  • Revoke Admin Rights: Remove admin privileges from users as needed.

The admin role is specifically control access to the Admin Area access. To adjust workspace permissions (e.g., to manager, member, viewer, or restricted), navigate to the members settings section within your workspace. Detailed information is available on the workspace setting page


Manage your GitGuardian license here. This includes viewing your current license details, updating license information, and understanding your license utilization to ensure compliance and optimal usage. More information on the License Managagement page.

For embedded cluster configurations, gain direct access to the KOTS admin area from here. Further details are provided on the Access to the KOTS Admin Console page.


The Settings section allows for comprehensive customization of your GitGuardian instance to meet organizational requirements. It includes:

  • Signup Restrictions: Control user access by allowing entry only through invitation or Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanisms, ensuring secure and regulated user addition. Further details can be found on the Security recommendations and information page.
  • Preferences: A table of preferences provides flexibility, enabling fine-tuning of your GitGuardian instance for enhanced usability and efficiency. Additional information is available on the Configure preferences page.
  • Honeytoken Configuration: Integrate with your AWS organization to generate and monitor honeytokens, bolstering your security measures. Learn more on the Honeytoken for self-hosted page.
  • Email Configuration: Choose between Sendgrid or SMTP for email services. For setup instructions, visit the Configure the email system page.

Encryption Key Rotation

Enhance your security posture by periodically rotating encryption keys. This section provides tools and procedures for updating the encryption keys used to secure your data, helping to safeguard against unauthorized access. Detailed instructions are available on the Database Security page.

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