Helm Chart Values
Here is the reference for the customizable values for Helm installation. See Helm installation documentation for more information.
Key | Description |
global (object) | Global configuration Default: {"imagePullSecrets":[],"imageRegistry":""} |
global.imageRegistry (string) | Global Docker image registry Default: "" |
global.imagePullSecrets (list) | Global Docker registry secret names as an array Default: [] |
hostname (string) | Hostname for the GitGuardian application (without https://) Default: "gitguardian.example.com" |
commonLabels (object) | Custom labels to add to all resources (includes commonMatchLabels) Format: name: value Default: {} |
postgresql (object) | PostgreSQL Database configuration Default: Not set |
postgresql.host (string) | PostgreSQL Database host name Default: "" |
postgresql.port (int) | PostgreSQL Database host port Default: 5432 |
postgresql.username (string) | PostgreSQL Database user name Default: "" |
postgresql.password (string) | PostgreSQL Database user password Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: postgresql.existingSecret )Default: "" |
postgresql.tls.mode (string) | PostgreSQL Database SSL mode Possible values: disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full See: PostgreSQL SSL Mode Descriptions Default: "allow" |
postgresql.tls.crt (string) | PostgreSQL Database Client certificate Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: postgresql.existingSecret )Default: "" |
postgresql.tls.key (string) | PostgreSQL Database Client certificate private key Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: postgresql.existingSecret )Default: "" |
postgresql.tls.caCrt (string) | PostgreSQL Database Custom Certificate Authority Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: postgresql.existingSecret )Default: "" |
postgresql.tls.existingSecretKeys.crt (string) | Existing secret key where to store PostgreSQL Database Client certificate Default: "" |
postgresql.tls.existingSecretKeys.key (string) | Existing secret key where to store PostgreSQL Database Client certificate private key Default: "" |
postgresql.tls.existingSecretKeys.caCrt (string) | Existing secret key where to store PostgreSQL Database Custom Certificate Authority Default: "" |
postgresql.existingSecret (string) | Secret used to store PostgreSQL password and Certificates (preferred method) Default: "" |
postgresql.existingSecretKeys (object) | Keys used for PostgreSQL Database secrets when using an existing secret |
postgresql.existingSecretKeys.password (string) | Existing secret key where to store PostgreSQL Database user password Default: "" |
redis (object) | Redis Database configuration You can either provide a full qualified URI or fill each parts in dedicated fields Redis is used as a broker and result backend for celery and as a Commit Cache Default: Not set |
redis.main.url (string) | Full qualified URI of Redis Instance Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret ) This values is not used if using Redis SentinelDefault: "" |
redis.main.user (string) | Redis Instance user (if redis.main.url is not specified) / Redis Sentinel master nameDefault: "" |
redis.main.password (string) | Redis Instance password (if redis.main.url is not specified) / Redis Sentinel master password Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.main.host (string) | Redis Instance host name (if redis.main.url is not specified) This values is not used if using Redis SentinelDefault: "" |
redis.main.port (int) | Redis Instance host port (if redis.main.url is not specified)Default: 6379 |
redis.main.sentinel (object) | Redis Sentinel dedicated parameters (works along with redis.main.url )Default: {"enabled":false,"masterServiceName":"","password":"","url":"","user":""} |
redis.main.sentinel.enabled (bool) | Redis Sentinel enabler Default: false |
redis.main.sentinel.url (string) | Redis Sentinel instances list. Format: sentinel-1:26379,sentinel-2:26379 Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.main.sentinel.user (string) | Redis Sentinel master user Default: "" |
redis.main.sentinel.password (string) | Redis Sentinel master password Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.main.sentinel.masterServiceName (string) | Redis Sentinel master service name Default: "" |
redis.main.tls (object) | Redis Instance TLS configuration Default: Not set |
redis.main.tls.enabled (bool) | Enable redis TLS (if redis.main.url is not specified)Default: false |
redis.main.tls.requireServerCert (bool) | Enable redis server certificate check If true, you must provide a rediss:// URL Scheme for redis.main.url Default: false |
redis.main.tls.crt (string) | Redis Instance Client certificate Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.main.tls.key (string) | Redis Instance Client certificate private key Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.main.tls.caCrt (string) | Redis Instance Custom Certificate Authority Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.main.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.main.tls.existingSecretKeys.crt (string) | Existing secret key where to store Redis Instance Client certificate Default: "" |
redis.main.tls.existingSecretKeys.key (string) | Existing secret key where to store Redis Instance Client certificate private key Default: "" |
redis.main.tls.existingSecretKeys.caCrt (string) | Existing secret key where to store Redis Instance Custom Certificate Authority Default: "" |
redis.main.existingSecret (string) | Secret used to store Redis Instance URL or password and Certificates (preferred method) Default: "" |
redis.main.existingSecretKeys (object) | Keys used for Redis secrets when using an existing secret |
redis.main.existingSecretKeys.url (string) | Redis url Default: "" |
redis.main.existingSecretKeys.password (string) | Redis password (You can't use this parameter with Argo CD, use url parameter instead)Default: "" |
redis.main.existingSecretKeys.sentinelUrl (string) | Redis Sentinel instances list Default: "" |
redis.main.existingSecretKeys.sentinelPassword (string) | Redis Sentinel password Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.enabled (bool) | Enable a separate Redis instance dedicated to the Commit Cache feature. Commit Cache feature allows to not scan already scanned commit by saving in Redis scan results. If not enabled, main Redis instance will be used for the Commit Cache Default: false |
redis.commitCache.url (string) | Full qualified URI of Redis Instance Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.commitCache.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.user (string) | Redis Instance user name (if redis.commitCache.url is not specified)Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.password (string) | Redis Instance user password (if redis.commitCache.url is not specified) Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.commitCache.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.host (string) | Redis Instance host name (if redis.commitCache.url is not specified)Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.port (int) | Redis Instance host port (if redis.commitCache.url is not specified)Default: 6379 |
redis.commitCache.tls (object) | Redis Instance TLS configuration Default: Not set |
redis.commitCache.tls.enabled (bool) | Enable redis TLS (if redis.main.url is not specified)Default: false |
redis.commitCache.tls.requireServerCert (bool) | Enable redis server certificate check If true, you must provide a rediss:// URL Scheme for REDIS_URL Default: false |
redis.commitCache.tls.crt (string) | Redis Instance Client certificate Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.commitCache.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.tls.key (string) | Redis Instance Client certificate private key Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.commitCache.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.tls.caCrt (string) | Redis Instance Custom Certificate Authority Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: redis.commitCache.existingSecret )Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.tls.existingSecretKeys.crt (string) | Existing secret key where to store Redis Instance Client certificate Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.tls.existingSecretKeys.key (string) | Existing secret key where to store Redis Instance Client certificate private key Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.tls.existingSecretKeys.caCrt (string) | Existing secret key where to store Redis Instance Custom Certificate Authority Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.existingSecret (string) | Secret used to store Redis Instance URL or password and Certificates (preferred method) Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.existingSecretKeys (object) | Keys used for Redis secrets when using an existing secret |
redis.commitCache.existingSecretKeys.url (string) | Redis url can be set directly, or it will be recomposed from host, user, ... Default: "" |
redis.commitCache.existingSecretKeys.password (string) | Redis password (You can't use this parameter with Argo CD, use url parameter instead)Default: "" |
miscEncryption (object) | Encryption keys configuration Django Secret Key, X509 certificate and key are auto-generated during installation if not set Default: Auto-generated |
miscEncryption.djangoSecretKey (string) | Encryption key for sensitive database fields. Auto-generated at first install if empty (preferred method) IMPORTANT The key should be kept in a safe place at it is required to access all sensitive information in the database Default: Auto-generated |
miscEncryption.dbEncryptionKeys (string) | DB encryption secrets (optional, only needed for djangoSecretKey key rotation) Default: "" |
miscEncryption.existingSecret (string) | Secret used to store encryption secrets Default: "" |
miscEncryption.existingSecretKeys (object) | Keys used for encryption secrets when using an existing secret |
miscEncryption.existingSecretKeys.djangoSecretKey (string) | Existing secret key where to store Django Secret Key Auto-generated at first install if empty (preferred method) Default: "" |
miscEncryption.existingSecretKeys.dbEncryptionKeys (string) | Existing secret key where to store DB encryption keys (optional, only needed for djangoSecretKey key rotation) Default: "" |
miscEncryption.existingSecretKeys.x509Cert (string) | Existing secret key where to store certificate for SAML/SSO auth Auto-generated at first install if empty (preferred method) Default: "" |
miscEncryption.existingSecretKeys.x509PrivateKey (string) | Existing secret key where to store certificate private key for SAML/SSO auth Auto-generated at first install if empty (preferred method) Default: "" |
externalSecrets.enabled (bool) | Enable https://external-secrets.io/ Default: false |
externalSecrets.refreshInterval (string) | Specify the refreshInterval for externalSecrets Default: "15s" |
externalSecrets.path (string) | External Secret Path Default: "" |
externalSecrets.secretStoreRef.kind (string) | https://external-secrets.io/ Class Default: "SecretStore" |
externalSecrets.secretStoreRef.name (string) | https://external-secrets.io/ Name Default: "vault" |
autoscaling (object) | Autoscaling configuration Default: {"keda":{"prometheus":{}}} |
autoscaling.keda.prometheus (object) | Prometheus scaler configguration Default: {} |
front (object) | Frontend configuration The Frontend serves the Dashboard and acts as a proxy for other web deployments |
front.nginx.replicas (int) | Dashboard Frontend replicas count Default: 1 |
front.nginx.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Frontend Default: {} |
front.nginx.tolerations (list) | Schedule Frontend pods with matching taints Default: [] |
front.nginx.resources (object) | Dashboard Frontend resources Default: {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"200Mi"}} |
front.service.type (string) | Service type. Can be ClusterIP, NodePort or LoadBalancer Default: "ClusterIP" |
front.service.port (int) | Dashboard Frontend Service port Default: 80 |
front.service.annotations (object) | Dashboard Frontend Service annotations Default: {} |
webapps (object) | Backend deployments configuration |
webapps.internal_api.replicas (int) | Internal API replicas count Default: 1 |
webapps.internal_api.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Internal API Default: {} |
webapps.internal_api.tolerations (list) | Schedule Internal API pods with matching taints Default: [] |
webapps.internal_api_long.replicas (int) | Internal API for long requests replicas count Default: 1 |
webapps.internal_api_long.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Internal long API Default: {} |
webapps.internal_api_long.tolerations (list) | Schedule Internal long API pods with matching taints Default: [] |
webapps.public_api.replicas (int) | Public API (used for ggshield scans) replicas count Default: 1 |
webapps.public_api.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Public API Default: {} |
webapps.public_api.tolerations (list) | Schedule Public API pods with matching taints Default: [] |
webapps.hook.replicas (int) | VCS Webhooks Receivers replicas count Default: 1 |
webapps.hook.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Hook Default: {} |
webapps.hook.tolerations (list) | Schedule Hook pods with matching taints Default: [] |
webapps.app_exporter.replicas (string) | Prometheus exporter replicas count Will be set to 1 if .Values.observability.exporter.statefulAppExporter.enabled is true Default: 0 |
webapps.app_exporter.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for App Exporter Default: {} |
webapps.app_exporter.tolerations (list) | Schedule App Exporter pods with matching taints Default: [] |
celeryWorkers (object) | Asynchronous Workers deployments configuration |
celeryWorkers.worker.queues (string) | Queues consumed by default workers Default: "celery,check_run,realtime,realtime_retry,honeytoken,reports" |
celeryWorkers.worker.replicas (int) | Default workers (incl. realtime scans) replicas count Default: 2 |
celeryWorkers.worker.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.worker.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.worker.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.worker.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.worker.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 10 |
celeryWorkers.worker.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"celery":10,"check_run":10,"honeytoken":10,"realtime":10,"realtime_retry":10,"reports":10,"sca":10} |
celeryWorkers.worker.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Default Worker Default: {} |
celeryWorkers.worker.tolerations (list) | Schedule Default Worker pods with matching taints Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.worker.ephemeralStorage (object) | Worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.email.queues (string) | Queues consumed by Messaging workers Default: "email,notifier" |
celeryWorkers.email.replicas (int) | Messaging workers replicas count Default: 2 |
celeryWorkers.email.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.email.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.email.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.email.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.email.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 10 |
celeryWorkers.email.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"email":10,"notifier":10} |
celeryWorkers.email.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Email Worker Default: {} |
celeryWorkers.email.tolerations (list) | Schedule Email Worker pods with matching taints Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.email.ephemeralStorage (object) | Worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.scanners.queues (string) | Queues consumed by Historical Scan workers Default: "basic_repo_scan,premium_repo_scan,manual_repo_scan" |
celeryWorkers.scanners.replicas (int) | Historical Scan workers replicas count Default: 2 |
celeryWorkers.scanners.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.scanners.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.scanners.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.scanners.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.scanners.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 10 |
celeryWorkers.scanners.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"basic_repo_scan":10,"manual_repo_scan":10,"premium_repo_scan":10} |
celeryWorkers.scanners.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Scanner Worker Default: {} |
celeryWorkers.scanners.tolerations (list) | Schedule Scanner Worker pods with matching taints Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.scanners.ephemeralStorage (object) | Worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.long.queues (string) | Queues consumed by Long Tasks workers Default: "celery_long,background_validity_check" |
celeryWorkers.long.replicas (int) | Long Tasks workers replicas count Default: 2 |
celeryWorkers.long.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.long.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.long.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.long.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | HPA minReplicas Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.long.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | HPA maxReplicas Default: 10 |
celeryWorkers.long.autoscaling.metrics (object) | HPA metrics threshold Default: {"background_validity_check":10,"celery_long":10} |
celeryWorkers.long.nodeSelector (object) | Node selection constraint for Long Worker Default: {} |
celeryWorkers.long.tolerations (list) | Schedule Long Worker pods with matching taints Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.long.ephemeralStorage (object) | Schedule Long Worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.queues (string) | Queues consumed by non-VCS Historical Scan workers Default: "ods_scan" |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.replicas (int) | Non-VCS Historical Scan workers replicas count Default: 0 |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 10 |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"ods_scan":10} |
celeryWorkers.scanners-ods.ephemeralStorage (object) | Non-VCS Historical Scan worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.queues (string) | Queues consumed by default workers Default: "realtime_ods,realtime_retry_ods" |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.replicas (int) | Default workers (incl. realtime scans) replicas count Default: 0 |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 10 |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"realtime_ods":10,"realtime_retry_ods":10} |
celeryWorkers.realtime-ods.ephemeralStorage (object) | Realtime ODS worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.queues (string) | Queues consumed by none-VCS Long Tasks workers Default: "long_ods" |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.replicas (int) | Non-VCS Long Tasks workers replicas count Default: 0 |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.autoscaling.hpa.enabled (bool) | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 15 |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"long_ods":10} |
celeryWorkers.long-ods.ephemeralStorage (object) | Schedule Non-VCS Long Worker ephemeral storage Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""} |
celeryWorkers.long-ods-io.replicas (int) | Number of replica for Non-VCS workers specialized in IO operations Default: 0 |
celeryWorkers.long-ods-io.autoscaling.keda.enabled (bool) | Enable Keda Autoscaler Default: false |
celeryWorkers.long-ods-io.autoscaling.keda.triggers (list) | Additional Keda triggers Default: [] |
celeryWorkers.long-ods-io.autoscaling.minReplicas (int) | Minimum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.long-ods-io.autoscaling.maxReplicas (int) | Maximum number of workers created by autoscaler Default: 1 |
celeryWorkers.long-ods-io.autoscaling.metrics (object) | Autoscaling metrics threshold Default: {"long_ods_io":10} |
beat (object) | Asynchronous tasks scheduler |
beat.replicas (int) | Asynchronous tasks scheduler replicas count Default: 1 |
beat.resources (object) | Asynchronous tasks scheduler resources Default: {"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"200Mi"}} |
onPrem.adminUser (object) | GitGuardian Admin User A temporary password has to be set in secret "gim-secrets" under ADMIN_PASSWORD key. You'll be asked to change this password on your connection Default: {"email":"admin@example.com","existingSecret":"","existingSecretKeys":{"password":""},"firstname":"Admin"} |
replicated.image.repository (string) | Replicated SDK image repository Default: "replicated/replicated-sdk" |
replicated.image.tag (string) | Replicated SDK image tag Default: "1.0.0-beta.31" |
replicated.imagePullSecrets (list) | Image pullsecrets Default: [] |
replicated.extraEnv (list) | Replicated SDK env vars Default: [{"name":"HTTP_PROXY","value":""},{"name":"HTTPS_PROXY","value":""},{"name":"NO_PROXY","value":""}] |
replicated.isAirgap (bool) | Disable Replicated outbound connections Default: false |
replicated.privateCASecret (object) | Specify secret containing Custom Certificate Authority certificate. See https://docs.replicated.com/vendor/replicated-sdk-customizing#using-a-secret Default: nil |
replicated.supportBundle.logs.maxLines (int) | Set the max number of lines in the support bundle logs Default: 10000 |
sentry.enabled (bool) | Enable Sentry tracing Default: false |
sentry.apm.enabled (bool) | Enable Sentry APM Default: false |
sentry.dsn (string) | Sentry Data Source Name URL Default: "https://sentry.io" |
tls (object) | HTTPS TLS configuration You can manage the certificate manually or use https://cert-manager.io/ |
tls.certManager.enabled (bool) | Use https://cert-manager.io/ instead of a manual certificate Default: false |
tls.certManager.certificatesSecret (string) | Name of the created cert-manager Certificate objectDefault: "gitguardian-certificate" |
tls.certManager.certificatesNamespace (string) | Namespace where certificate will be created Default: .Release.Namespace |
tls.certManager.issuer.kind (string) | https://cert-manager.io/ Issuer Class Default: "ClusterIssuer" |
tls.certManager.issuer.name (string) | https://cert-manager.io/ Issuer Name Default: "gitguardian" |
tls.customCa (object) | Custom Certificate Authority certificate for integrations (VCS, notifiers, webhooks, ...) |
tls.customCa.caCrt (string) | Certificates full chain in the PEM format Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: tls.customCa.existingSecret )Default: "" |
tls.customCa.existingSecret (string) | Existing secret containing certificates full chain in the PEM format Default: "" |
tls.customCa.existingSecretKeys.caCrt (string) | Key name of the certificate authority entry Default: "" |
tls.customCa.image (object) | Custom CA nginx-unprivileged (used for init-containers only) image configuration Default: {"name":"services/nginx-unprivileged","pullSecrets":[],"registry":"513715405986.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com","tag":"stable"} |
tls.customCa.image.registry (string) | Registry source to fetch the image Empty = from dockerhub Default: "513715405986.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" |
tls.customCa.image.name (string) | Image name Default: "services/nginx-unprivileged" |
tls.customCa.image.tag (string) | Image tag Default: "stable" |
tls.customCa.image.pullSecrets (list) | Image pullsecrets Default: [] |
tls.clientAuth (object) | Client (end user) authentication |
tls.clientAuth.enabled (bool) | Enable client authentication. This is required for Common Access Card Default: false |
tls.clientAuth.mode (string) | Set client authentication mode (one of enforce , audit ). audit mode must be used for initial setup.Default: "enforce" |
tls.clientAuth.userRegex (string) | Regex to extract the unique user identifier from the certificate DN. You must use a capture group using parenthesis to catch the user ID. Default regex will match 117 here: CN=hubert.bonisseur.delabath.117,O=DGSE,C=FR Default: "(?:.+,)?CN=[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\.(\\d+)(?:,.+)?" |
tls.clientAuth.crt (string) | NGINX Server certificate (PEM) Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: tls.clientAuth.existingSecret )Default: "" |
tls.clientAuth.key (string) | NGINX Server key (PEM) Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: tls.clientAuth.existingSecret )Default: "" |
tls.clientAuth.caCrt (string) | NGINX Authority that validates user certificates (PEM) Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: tls.clientAuth.existingSecret )Default: "" |
tls.clientAuth.crl (object) | Nginx CRL usage for clientAuth Default: {"cron":"0 0 * * *","persistence":{"accessModes":["ReadWriteMany"],"annotations":{},"labels":{},"size":"1Gi","storageClass":""},"url":""} |
tls.clientAuth.crl.url (string) | Nginx CRL URL. Use a CRL instead of OCSP to check revokations status. Keep empty to use OCSP. Default: "" |
tls.clientAuth.crl.cron (string) | Nginx CRL refresh cron expression. This example means daily at 00:00 Default: "0 0 * * *" |
tls.clientAuth.crl.persistence.storageClass (string) | storageClass to use for the CRL PVC Default: "" |
tls.clientAuth.crl.persistence.accessModes (list) | accessModes to use for the CRL PVC. Use only ReadWriteMany (HA) if available. Default: ["ReadWriteMany"] |
tls.clientAuth.crl.persistence.size (string) | PVC size Default: "1Gi" |
tls.clientAuth.crl.persistence.labels (object) | PVC Labels Default: {} |
tls.clientAuth.crl.persistence.annotations (object) | PVC Annotations Default: {} |
tls.clientAuth.existingSecret (string) | Existing secret name Default: "" |
networkPolicy.enabled (bool) | Use default network policy. If enabled, you must ensure ingress traffic is allowed to nginx Default: false |
securityContext.enabled (bool) | Enable security Context in deployments. Set to false when deploying on OpenShift Default: true |
containerSecurityContext (object) | Specify Container Security Context in deployments. Note: Enabled if securityContext.enabled is true.Default: {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} |
ingress.enabled (bool) | Enable ingress resource Default: false |
ingress.controller (string) | Ingress controller in use in the cluster. Mandatory if using istio or experimental.ingressRoutes=true Supported: ingress-nginx / traefik / contour / aws_alb / openshift (Openshift Route) / istioDefault: "ingress-nginx" |
ingress.path (string) | The routing path to the GitGuardian instance. You may need to set this to '/*' in order to use this with ALB ingress controllers. Default: "/" |
ingress.pathType (string) | Ingress Path type Default: "Prefix" |
ingress.ingressClassName (string) | IngressClass that will be used to implement the Ingress Default: "" |
ingress.annotations (object) | Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. Default: {} |
ingress.labels (object) | Additional labels for the Ingress resource. Default: {} |
ingress.istio.revision (string) | Istio revision, if any Default: "" |
ingress.istio.gateway.enabled (bool) | Enable Istio gateway handling Default: false |
ingress.istio.gateway.name (string) | Istio Gateway name Default: "{{.Release.Name}}-{{.Release.Namespace}}" |
ingress.istio.gateway.namespace (string) | Istio Gateway namespace Default: "istio-system" |
ingress.istio.gateway.selector (string) | Istio Gateway selector Default: "ingressgateway" |
ingress.tls.enabled (bool) | Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at ingress.hostname parameter Default: false |
ingress.tls.existingSecret (string) | Existing secret containing TLS certificates Default: "" |
ingress.tls.crt (string) | TLS certificate in PEM format Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: ingress.tls.existingSecret )Default: "" |
ingress.tls.key (string) | TLS private key Should preferably be set in existing secret (see: ingress.tls.existingSecret )Default: "" |
observability.exporters (object) | Prometheus exporters configuration |
observability.exporters.webAppExporter.enabled (bool) | Enable GitGuardian Applicative metrics on Webapp pods and Celery Workers Default: false |
observability.exporters.statefulAppExporter.enabled (bool) | Enable Stateful metrics on Applicative Exporter See: https://docs.gitguardian.com/self-hosting/management/application-management/metrics Default: false |
observability.exporters.statefulAppExporter.resources (object) | Applicative Exporter resources Default: {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"500Mi"}} |
observability.serviceMonitors.enabled (bool) | Enable ServiceMonitors for Prometheus Operator Note: this requires to install Prometheus Operator (not included in this chart) See: https://prometheus-operator.dev Default: false |
rbac (object) | Gitguardian pods will use a limited role if enabled Default: {"enabled":true} |
rbac.enabled (bool) | Creates a Role and bind it to GitGuardian ServiceAccount (see serviceAccount.name) Default: true |
serviceAccount (object) | GitGuardian Pods are using this ServiceAccount Default: {"annotations":{},"autoMount":true,"create":true,"labels":{},"name":"gim"} |
serviceAccount.create (bool) | create the serviceAccount Default: true |
serviceAccount.name (string) | name of the serviceAccount (if serviceAccount.create is false, it must exists prior to chart deployment) Default: "gim" |
migration.labels (object) | Default: {} |
migration.podLabels (object) | Default: {} |
migration.resources (object) | Pre/Post Deployment Jobs resources Default: {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"200Mi"}} |
migration.serviceAccount (object) | GitGuardian migration pods are using this ServiceAccount Default: {"annotations":{},"autoMount":true,"create":true,"labels":{},"name":"gim-migration"} |
migration.serviceAccount.create (bool) | create the migration serviceAccount Default: true |
migration.serviceAccount.name (string) | name of the serviceAccount (if migration.serviceAccount.create is false, it must exists prior to chart deployment) Default: "gim-migration" |
proxy (object) | HTTP(s) proxy configuration You can configure a proxy server for outgoing traffic from the application Default: Not set |
proxy.httpProxyUrl (string) | Url of the proxy server to be used for HTTP requests Username and password in the url are not supported Default: nil |
proxy.httpsProxyUrl (string) | Url of the proxy server to be used for HTTPS requests Username and password in the url are not supported Default: nil |
proxy.noProxyHostNames (list) | List of host names through which the traffic should not go via the proxy Default: [] |
experimental (object) | Experimental features Default: Not set |
experimental.chainguard (bool) | Enable Chainguard images for backend and frontend GitGuardian images Default: true |
experimental.tini (bool) | Enable tini to terminate zombie processes on workers Default: true |
experimental.ingressRoutes (bool) | Use new Ingress routes instead of legacy nginx Default: false |
Helm Chart Changes Between Versions
This section outlines the version-to-version changes in the Helm chart values, providing information into updates, new features, and deprecations.
2024.12.0 vs 2024.11.0
This release includes breaking changes. Upgrade to 2024.12.0 using the upgrade notes.
- Ability to deploy
objects with the support of several Ingress controllers. For details, see the Ingress documentation.
has been renamed toingress
for improved consistency and standardization across the Helm chart.istio
have been moved under theingress
.- The default memory value for
has been increased from100Mi
2024.11.0 vs 2024.10.0
This release includes breaking changes. Upgrade to 2024.11.0 using the upgrade notes.
- Removed
parameter since health checks are now distributed over time rather than executing them simultaneously. This parameter is replaced byspread_periodic_range_minutes
in the admin area. - Added
parameter to specify a custom CA when using a proxy. Learn more. - Replace the legacy parameter
with the new parametersreplicated.image.repository
- Changed the default value of
2024.10.0 vs 2024.9.0
- Added two new worker types
(Productivity tools such as Slack, Jira Cloud, Confluence, ...) andlong-ods-io
(long tasks specialized in Input/Output). - Added the support of CRL (instead of default OCSP) for certificate-based authentication.
- Decreased the default value of
2024.9.0 vs 2024.8.0
- Added a new
object to configure autoscaling settings. - Enhanced the
settings to support both Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and KEDA autoscaling options, including enabling/disabling and setting triggers. - Introduced a new setting
to specify the maximum number of lines included in support bundle logs. - Added
, a new option to enabletini
for terminating zombie processes on workers.
- Changed the default value of
2024.8.0 vs 2024.7.0
- Introduced
to support authentication using Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV). For detailed information, refer to the documentation here.
- Updated the default version of
2024.7.0 vs 2024.6.0
This release includes breaking changes. Upgrade to 2024.7.0 using the upgrade notes.
- Added
allowing you to change the frequency of health checks.
- Renamed
. - Renamed
. - Renamed
and set the Default to""
. - Renamed
. - Renamed
. - Updated default value
- Changed the default value of
2024.6.0 vs 2024.5.0
- Added new task
. - Changed the default value of
2024.5.0 vs 2024.4.0
This release includes breaking changes. Upgrade to 2024.5.0 using the upgrade notes.
- Introduce
option to give the ability to customize the refresh interval for external secrets. - Added
parameter to be able to disable Istio Gateway handling when Istio is enabled. - Added
. - Added
. - Added
for migrations resources.
- Replaced
and set the Default to""
instead of `"pg_client.crt"
instead of"pg_client.key"
instead of"pg_server.ca_crt"
- Replaced
and set the Default values to""
instead of `"redis_client.crt"
instead of"redis_client.key"
instead of"redis_server.ca_crt"
- Replaced
and set the Default values to""
instead of `"redis_client.crt"
instead of"redis_client.key"
instead of"redis_server.ca_crt"
- Rename
. - Set the Default for
attributes to""
instead of"SP_X509_CERT"
instead of"SP_PRIVATE_KEY"
- Added
offering the option to specify the admin password in a secret. - Rename Default value for
instead of"custom-ca.pem"
. - Added
- Removed
originally used to inject Argo CD phase annotations in Kubernetes resources but, since Argo CD supports Helm hooks annotations by mapping them onto its own hook annotations, it is not used anymore in 2024.5.0.
2024.4.0 vs 2024.3.0
- Added
to add custom labels to differentiate multiple GitGuardian deployments within the same Kubernetes cluster. - Introduce
option for allceleryWorkers
to support Generic Ephemeral Inline Volumes. - Introduced new
worker for Other Data Sources (ODS) real time scanning.
- Modified
and movedrealtime_ods,realtime_retry_ods
tasks into newceleryWorkers.realtime-ods.queue
2024.3.0 vs 2024.2.0
- Changed the default value of
. - Decreased the default value of
2024.2.0 vs 2024.1.0
- Added
configuration options for managing Redis Sentinel settings. - Introduced new settings for
. - Added
for database encryption key management. - Introduced new
worker for Other Data Sources (ODS) scanning.
- Changed the default value of
- Removed
2024.1.0 vs 2023.12.0
- Expanded
settings across multiple services:front.nginx
, andceleryWorkers.long
. - New
setting to manage air-gapped environments. - Introduced
configuration for custom CA management. - Added new settings related to Kubernetes Roles and RoleBindings:
, andmigration.serviceAccount.name
- Added new tasks
to support additional task types. - Enabled
by default, changing fromfalse
, to utilize Chainguard images for backend and frontend services.