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Support bundle

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Generate a support bundle

KOTS-based installation


If you previously installed GitGuardian on an existing cluster using KOTS and either lack cluster-admin rights in your Kubernetes cluster or wish to limit permissions for the KOTS Admin Console, you must apply the configuration in your targeted namespace as described in Kubernetes Application RBAC.

The KOTS Admin Console includes a diagnosis tool for generating a support bundle to identify common issues. Sensitive information is automatically redacted. You can also get a command to manually generate a support bundle from a CLI.

create support bundle

Once generated, you can preview the contents and send it directly to GitGuardian for analysis.

send support bundle

To customize the number of log lines captured in the support bundle, go in the KOTS Admin Console and set the Maximum number of lines in logs field in the Support Bundle section of the configuration section.

send support bundle

Then save the configuration, and Deploy the application to apply the new configuration.

Helm-based installation

For Helm-based installations, the KOTS Admin Console isn't available. Instead, you'll need to use a client-side utility, packaged as a kubectl plugin and distributed via the krew package manager.

To generate a support bundle:

  1. Install the krew plugin.
  2. Install the support-bundle utility: kubectl krew install support-bundle.
  3. Run: kubectl support-bundle --load-cluster-specs --namespace <namespace>.

This command will create a .tar.gz support bundle in your current directory. You can then send it to GitGuardian support.

To customize the number of log lines captured, set the maxLines parameter as shown below. Adjust the value to capture more or fewer logs as needed:

maxLines: 100000 # Maximum number of log lines

For generating a support bundle using Helm, the following YAML configuration provides minimal Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings. Cluster admins must apply these RBAC rules where GitGuardian is deployed.

Replace <gitguardian_namespace> with your namespace in Role. Note that ClusterRole is not namespace-scoped.

kind: ClusterRole
name: support-bundle
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["namespaces", "nodes"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["storageclasses"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
kind: Role
name: support-bundle
namespace: <gitguardian_namespace>
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods/exec"]
verbs: ["create"]

Generate a support bundle when the Kubernetes cluster is down

When debugging an offline Kubernetes cluster, you can utilize host collectors to generate a support bundle even without access to the Admin Console.

To begin, install the support bundle tool on a host with access the cluster you need to debug:

curl -L | tar xzvf -

Next, generate the support bundle using the following command:

./support-bundle --interactive=false

If your current user lacks the necessary access to gather information for a specific collector, you may need to run the above command with sudo.

For air gap environments, download the YAML file and copy it to the air gap machine.

For more details, refer to Replicated Documentation.

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