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Gemfury Full Access Token



  • Documentation:
  • Summary: Gemfury is a hosted repository for public and private packages. It supports packages from various sources like ruby, python, npm, php, debian, rpm or nuget. Interaction with the registry is done via a dashboard, using a cli tool or curl API calls. This detector aims at catching full access tokens.
  • IPs allowlist: As of the time of writing this documentation, this feature is not yet supported.
  • Scopes: Gemfury offers different types of tokens with different rights. This detector focuses on full access tokens.

Revoke the secret

Secrets can be deactivated or revoked from the user's dashboard.

Check for suspicious activity

As of the time of writing this documentation, this feature is not yet supported.

Details for Gemfury full access token

  • Family: Api

  • Category: Package registry

  • Company: Gemfury

  • High recall: False

  • Validity check available: False

  • Minimum number of matches: 2

  • Occurrences found for one million commits: 0.25

  • Prefixed: False

  • PreValidators:

- type: FilenameBanlistPreValidator
banlist_extensions: []
banlist_filenames: []
check_binaries: false
include_default_banlist_extensions: true
ban_markup: true
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- \.fury\.io
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- \@(gem|npm(-proxy)?|pypi|yum|go-proxy|php|nuget|apt|maven|repo|git|push)\.fury\.io


- text: |
apikey: Snpp7y42zaJCXkFbSfQa
username: sup3rU5er
- text: |
apikey: Snpp7y42zaJCXkFbSfQa
username: sup3rU5er

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