Mapbox Token
- Documentation:
- Summary: Mapbox is a map provider, it provides APIs for navigation, maps and location search. It is possible to use the four difference services with the API: Maps, Navigation, Search, and Accounts.
- IPs allowlist: This can be set at any moment through the API or the Mapbox account.
- Scopes: This can be set at any moment through the API or the Mapbox account.
Revoke the secret
Tokens can be revoked via the API or the Mapbox account.
Check for suspicious activity
This feature is not available.
Details for Mapbox secret token
Family: Api
Category: Other
Company: Mapbox
High recall: True
Validity check available: True
Analyzer available: False
On-premise instances exist: False
Only valid secrets raise an alert: False
Minimum number of matches: 1
Occurrences found for one million commits: 6.03
Prefixed: True
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- sk\.eyj1ijoi
- text: token = "sk.eyJ1IjoiZXJpY2ZvdXJyaWVyIiwiYSI6ImNqb3lkaXJkcTJhZGEzcWxrdzBjYTh0cnUifQ.kqBgVNCrOx9Zj-_aCrPAXw";
apikey: sk.eyJ1IjoiZXJpY2ZvdXJyaWVyIiwiYSI6ImNqb3lkaXJkcTJhZGEzcWxrdzBjYTh0cnUifQ.kqBgVNCrOx9Zj-_aCrPAXw