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Yandex Predictor API key



  • Documentation:
  • Summary: Yandex.Predictor autocompletes text input compensating for all possible typos, and simplifies user interaction. The detector aims at catching Yandex Predictor API keys. A publicly disclosed key could result in rate limit exceed caused by malicious usage.
  • IPs allowlist: This feature is not mentioned in the documentation.
  • Scopes: A user can create as many keys as wanted. No limit is mentioned in the documentation.

Revoke the secret

Keys can be revoked at

Check for suspicious activity

This feature is not mentioned in the documentation.

Details for Yandex predictor api key

  • Family: Api

  • Category: Other

  • Company: Yandex

  • High recall: False

  • Validity check available: True

  • Analyzer available: False

  • On-premise instances exist: False

  • Only valid secrets raise an alert: True

  • Minimum number of matches: 1

  • Occurrences found for one million commits: 0.42

  • Prefixed: False

  • PreValidators:

- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- pdct\.1\.1\.


- text: |
public static final String API_KEY = "pdct.1.1.20218925T124723Z.07193b9c567c0c90.ebba3042fcf1acfc4d682db12c01a5289f9769c0";
apikey: pdct.1.1.20218925T124723Z.07193b9c567c0c90.ebba3042fcf1acfc4d682db12c01a5289f9769c0

- text: |
url = https.request(''..URL.escape(matches[2])..'&text='..URL.escape(matches[3]))
apikey: pdct.1.1.20301550T124723Z.07193b9c567c0c90.ebba3042fcf1acfc4d682db12c01a5289f9769c0

- text: X
apikey: pdct.1.1.20301550T124723Z.07193b9c567c0c90.ebba3042fcf1acfc4d682db12c01a5289f9769c0