RapidAPI Key
- Documentation: https://docs.rapidapi.com/docs/keys-and-key-rotation
- Summary: RapidAPI allows developers to connect APIs together.
- IPs allowlist: This feature is not available.
- Scopes: Each key gets access to the whole project.
Revoke the secret
The procedure is explained in the documentation
Check for suspicious activity
API usage can be inspected in the developers dashboard.
Details for Rapidapi key
Family: Api
Category: Other
Company: RapidAPI
High recall: True
Validity check available: True
Analyzer available: False
On-premise instances exist: True
Only valid secrets raise an alert: False
Minimum number of matches: 1
Occurrences found for one million commits: 138.2
Prefixed: True
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- msh[0-9a-z]{37}
- text: headers.add("x-rapidapi-key", "33f2273843mshca3d1f6d4845862p138d48jtnbb59d94c7eb9");
apikey: 33f2273843mshca3d1f6d4845862p138d48jtnbb59d94c7eb9
- text: private const string API_KEY = "f08c685137msh73607b9c030edcdp176fc7jsn2d554ffca985";
apikey: f08c685137msh73607b9c030edcdp176fc7jsn2d554ffca985
- text: app_id=edamam-recipe-search.p.rapidapi.com&app_key=5608156f22msh0134e81f7377536q10082bgsn69cfd82abbca
apikey: 5608156f22msh0134e81f7377536q10082bgsn69cfd82abbca