Pusher Channels Keys
- Documentation: https://pusher.com/docs/channels/server_api/overview
- Summary: Pusher is a service that allows developers to build real time applications. Credentials are used to publish events in channels or to retrieve information about the connected users.
- IPs allowlist: This feature is not available.
- Scopes: This feature is not available.
Revoke the secret
This can be done from the app dashboard.
Check for suspicious activity
Aggregated usage statistics can be found in the app dashboard.
Details for Pusher channels keys
Family: Api
Category: Messaging system
Company: Pusher
High recall: False
Validity check available: True
Analyzer available: False
On-premise instances exist: False
Only valid secrets raise an alert: False
Minimum number of matches: 4
Occurrences found for one million commits: 6.64
Prefixed: False
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- pusher
- beams
- chatkit
- channels
- text: |
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=
cluster: ap1
app_id: '931932'
client_id: d93e7eade548d00e7755
client_secret: 4dc86652b4f69252461e