Sauce Labs Keys
Summary: Sauce Labs is a company providing testing environments in the cloud. The API allows users to start tests and get results about the runs.
IPs allowlist: This feature is not available.
Scopes: There can be only one API key per user. It has the same rights as the user.
Revoke the secret
Access key can be regenerated from the user settings.
Check for suspicious activity
As of the time of writing this documentation, this feature is not yet supported.
Details for Saucelabs keys
Family: Api
Category: Other
Company: Sauce Labs
High recall: False
Validity check available: False
Minimum number of matches: 2
Occurrences found for one million commits: 2.1
Prefixed: False
- type: FilenameBanlistPreValidator
banlist_extensions: []
banlist_filenames: []
check_binaries: false
include_default_banlist_extensions: true
ban_markup: true
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- saucelabs
- text: |
// Saucelabs environment
- user: 'geoTrouve.tout',
- key: '736d5098-b9c4-4ed4-836f-b972dc9accc3',
username: geoTrouve.tout
client_secret: 736d5098-b9c4-4ed4-836f-b972dc9accc3