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SonarQube Token



  • Documentation:
  • Summary: SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality and detection of code vulnerabilities. SonarQube provides a web API to access its functionalities from applications. This detector focuses on detecting the old token format (which is scope-agnostic) and the new prefixed user, global analysis and project analysis tokens used to authenticate API calls.
  • IPs allowlist: This feature is not supported for SaaS instances. Note that SonarQube can be self-hosted and IP allowlisting can be enforced directly on the concerned machine.
  • Scopes: Permissions associated to a SonarQube token depend on the type of token: - User Tokens: These tokens can be used to run analysis and to invoke web services, based on the token author's permissions. - Project Analysis Tokens: These tokens can be used to run analysis on a specific project. - Global Analysis Tokens: These tokens can be used to run analysis on every project.

Revoke the secret

The tokens can be revoked from the security tab of accounts. For On-Premise instances of SonarQube go to User > My Account > Security and click on the Revoke button.

Check for suspicious activity

No extensive logs are provided on the SaaS version of SonarQube. Yet, the "last used" date is available and can give insights on suspicious activities.

Details for Sonarqube token

  • Family: Api

  • Category: Code analysis

  • Company: SonarQube

  • High recall: False

  • Validity check available: False

  • Minimum number of matches: 1

  • Occurrences found for one million commits: 37.98

  • Prefixed: False

  • PreValidators:

- type: FilenameBanlistPreValidator
banlist_extensions: []
banlist_filenames: []
check_binaries: false
include_default_banlist_extensions: true
ban_markup: true
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- sonar


- text: |
apikey: 8542358fa39f75d30ca699bc27c57335e047c162

Details for Sonarqube token prefixed

  • Family: Api

  • Category: Code analysis

  • Company: SonarQube

  • High recall: False

  • Validity check available: False

  • Minimum number of matches: 1

  • Occurrences found for one million commits: 124.2

  • Prefixed: False

  • PreValidators:

- type: FilenameBanlistPreValidator
banlist_extensions: []
banlist_filenames: []
check_binaries: false
include_default_banlist_extensions: true
ban_markup: true
- type: ContentWhitelistPreValidator
- sq[uap]_


- text: |
apikey: sqp_5a03f4395033c714f44cddfabb60fe2a65fcb4bd

- text: |
apikey: squ_0a81f6490875e062f79ccdeace23ac3c68dac6ec

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